Rikki | Serenity Seeker

About Me
My name is Rikki | Serenity Seeker. I'm a 8-year-old girl.

My birthday is
March 24, 2016.
Spirit Doppelganger

Princess Leia


Common Marmoset

Arrival Date





Serenity Seeker

Favorite Food Wish List

Munchkinland's Culinary Delights

Special Need


Monkey Comfort & Play Wish List

Munchkinland Wish List

My Story



 The Journey to Jungle Friends

Rikki, a common marmoset once kept as a pet, found her way to Jungle Friends after displaying aggressive behavior towards her guardian's husband. This revelation prompted them to realize that despite their affection for her, Rikki's true nature as a wild animal necessitated companionship among her own kind and a habitat resembling her natural environment.

Since her arrival, Rikki has consistently amazed her caregivers with her sweet and easygoing demeanor. While other monkeys may become agitated by unfamiliar sounds or passing birds, Rikki remains calm and collected. She delights in chirping happily to her neighboring primates and finds comfort in snuggling up in her favorite bed.


Rikki's spirit doppelganger Is Princess Leia (Star Wars). Like Leia, Rikki has a calm and composed exterior, even in the face of chaos, and a natural ability to bring peace to those around her. 
Image description here.

Taking a break from exploring to strike a pose on her favorite perch.

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Culinary critic Rikki samples today’s menu, giving it a solid five peanuts.

Image description here.

Snug as a bug—Rikki finds comfort in her cozy hammock hideaway.


Monkey Art is All the Rage!

Purchase an original monkey masterpiece for $100! 

Purchase Art

Image description here.

Party Girl

By Lizzy

Image description here.

Heart of the Forest

By Billy

Image description here.


By Don Knotts


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